16 June 2008

Father's Day Salute: hero

What is the true definition of a hero? For most of us during our upbringing we are influenced by tales of fictional beings of the super, incredible and other worldly. We are also taught to respect the ones that defend and protect the innocent in the name of the greater good such as policemen, firemen and soldiers. What of the everyday individual, what of the person that in compasses so many of these things but exists in a closer tangible form for some of us. I speak of the parent and on this day i speak directly of the father.
The one that protects us since birth which sacrifices not only moments but dreams and goals to help us along our path of development. A super hero personality is present when they express patience with our childhood tantrums and our teenage rebelliousness that sometimes breaks their hearts but they manage to overlook it and continue to love us.
In perspective, incredible can be applied for some when we account their history and the acts that lead to the present. Overcoming tremendous obstacles and odds to come to a foreign land to not only have a better life but to provide a secure future for their loved ones. This is the true meaning of courage which is an attribute of the hero, when you venture to a strange land but know you have to and are unsure of the outcome. A place that no matter the length of time one spends may not embrace you but ends in rejection and overlooks the value of one as an active participate of society.
The hero that we have been guided to praise are one dimensional being which we hear of their greats deeds but the human side is hidden from us. The human element, i feel, is important to connect with because the real world is much more difficult to navigate than the fictional world i use to see superman deal with in Saturday morning cartoons. 
This is my love and respect that i express to not only my father but to both my parents. Loved ones that I believe are not only proper role models but deserve my praise. Happy father's day. 

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