07 October 2008

Birthday Shout Out: Dr.Pepper

I'm a few hours late writing this but I had to give a birthday shout out to a good friend, Omar Pepper. This young man is not only a very talented visual artist but has a way of manipulating words that also makes him a great poet and writer. Known to few as Dr. Pepper or Pinche Pimienta he is a very giving person in knowledge and his personal time when one needs help. His favorite pass times are eating shrimp tacos, dressing in woman's clothes and talking about his dying car the "Super Volvo"(has to be spoken with a Mexican accent). I have seen his future which contains his mad spinning beats as a DJ (DJ Pepper) and his highly praised novels "No estoy solo en Libertad" followed by "Wearing a dress to el Dandy: an autobiography". Happy Birthday Omar, I'm glad I can call you friend.


omar said...

no pudiste encontrar otra foto pinche esteban

estebinbin said...

guey, its a good picture of you